Data compliance and why it matters

Data compliance and why it matters Data has become the new currency. From personal information to business insights, data fuels innovation, drives decision-making, and shapes the way we interact with the world. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Therefore, the responsible handling of data is paramount, bringing data compliance into the equation as the […]
The art of mastering data management

The art of mastering data management Data has become the lifeblood of business across all industries in every part of the world. Everything from customer information to operational metrics, the volume and complexity of data continues to grow exponentially. As a result, mastering data management has become imperative for businesses striving to thrive in the […]
Enhancing security with threat intelligence

Enhancing security with threat intelligence Businesses are facing a number of unprecedented threats in the continuous evolving digital landscape. Cyber-criminals have turned to sophisticated attacks within data breaches and ransomware, which calls for the need of robust security measures. This is where threat intelligence comes into play. Let’s explore how integrating threat intelligence can enhance […]
What is cyber resilience?

What is cyber resilience? In our interconnected world, where digital landscapes evolve at a rapid pace, the need for organizations to fortify against cyber threats has never been more critical. Cyber resilience, a term gaining prominence in today’s tech-driven era, goes beyond traditional cybersecurity measures. It represents a proactive and comprehensive approach to safeguarding against […]
Navigating the future: 2024 IT-trends and predictions

Navigating the future: 2024 IT-trends and predictions 2024 is just around the corner and as we step into the evolving cyber landscape of the new year, the world of information technology is positioned for new transformations. Technological advancements are accelerating at unprecedented pace, reshaping the way businesses operate, individuals connect, and society’s function. Let’s jump […]
Zero Trust – a key pillar in cybersecurity

Zero Trust A key pillar in cybersecurity In an era where technology is the backbone of our daily lives, cybersecurity has become more important than ever. The rise of hybrid and remote work, cloud computing, and IoT has expanded the attack surface for malicious activity. To fight these rising challenges, the concept of Zero Trust […]
3 effective methods to prevent cyber-attacks

Three effective methods to prevent cyber-attacks The world of cyber security is complex and the landscape of hacker attacks and protecting from malicious attacks are ever-changing. Furthermore, the increased use of artificial intelligence in our digital infrastructures adds an extra layer of complexity. Understanding who is behind cyber-attacks has become crucial for global security. With […]
A world of digital identification: the difference between passive and active biometrics

A world of digital identification: the difference between passive and active biometrics Ever heard about biometrics? Let alone passive and active biometrics? Let’s start with the basics. When talking about digital biometric identification various parameters are considered. This includes characteristic elements of the user such as keyboard input, IP address location, mouse movement, and so […]
Immutability – the word on everyone’s lips

Immutability – the words on everyone’s lips Ah, Immutability… the buzzword in the data management world, a word on everyone’s lips. But do you know what it is and what it covers? Let’s start with an analogy: Immutable can be described as a permanent marker. You can write anything you need on a whiteboard, […]
How to prevent phishing and whaling happening to you

How to prevent phishing and whaling happening to you Cyber threats continue to be on the rise and incidents of whaling and phishing has in particular had an increase in the past years. Hackers create sophisticated attacks where they exploit vulnerabilities to acquire classified information, company funds or the like leaving companies with data- and […]